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Blind Sight - Playing in Schoonhoven together with Escatron

Metalrage was invited to attend this concert, that would actually have Nomen, Blindsight and 37 Stabwoundz. But the vocalist of 37 Stabwoundz had a throat ache so they cancelled and Nomen cancelled a couple of hours before the concert, very anti-social. But somehow the people from the programming had managed to get a band over there all the way from Sneek (Friesland) named Escatron. I didn’t know neither of the bands playing, so I was in for a surprise.




These guys played a quite reasonable metalcore set including one Hatebreed cover. Although the vocalist looked like a pussy to me (sorry dude), he had quite an amazing voice. It was something that you just don’t expect from a guy like that. He had won my respect, contrary to the drummer, who was doing lame things throughout the concert. Totally not solid, and completely uninteresting. The riffs were quite good now and then, but other riffs were as boring as the drums. Well, they passed my test, because I could see that these guys were on the way to something good.




I was told that these guys are really inspired by Machine Head. I managed to get that message from their music, which was quite ok. But their vocalist sucked ass so bad, he fucked up every song for me. It was like as if he couldn’t hear himself, so out of tone was he. I must say that they have an amazing drummer, and one of the guitarists was pretty good. But it was his last show, so now they must suck even more. The vocals from the other guitarist sounded better that from the main vocalist who played bass. The only song I really enjoyed was the cover of Machine Head’s “Davidian”, which was saved until last. My suggestion is, take some singing lessons and you’ll be quite ok. For now, I liked Escatron better…


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